Upper School
"The students trust and expect the teachers and coaches to be both challenging and supportive. In turn, teachers and coaches expect students to be engaged, hard working and kind. It is in this nurturing community that young adults build character, discover passions, become scholars, and prepare themselves for remarkable success in college and beyond." Patrick Loach
Head of Upper School

Staff Directory
The Collegiate Upper School is characterized by strong relationships, exceptional scholarship, committed service, outstanding creativity, and healthy competition. Relationships form the foundation for student exploration in academics, fine arts, athletics, and service. Characterized by mutual trust and respect, students and faculty enjoy a sense of camaraderie seldom known at the secondary level. It is through the development of relationships that faculty are able to guide students in developing themselves to their fullest potential, academically, socially, physically, and emotionally. When visitors arrive on campus, they comment on the palpable sense of community and belonging that adults and adolescents describe. College professors report knowing students in their classes graduated from Collegiate because of their ability to positively interact and advocate for their learning. None of these outcomes occurs by happenstance. They are the result of an intentionally designed Upper School experience that provides Collegiate students the opportunity to develop the academic skills and personal attributes necessary to be responsible, compassionate citizens in global communities. We invite you to explore these pages to get a glimpse into what makes Collegiate School an exceptional environment and learning community.


The Upper School curriculum reflects our intent to prepare each student for further studies in colleges and universities worldwide. Explore the course descriptions here to learn more about our combination of basics with engaging electives and advanced options.


Our tools are temporary, our teaching is timeless. We don’t know exactly what tomorrow’s tools will look like, but we know they will continually change and we have faith in our teachers that they will sift the wheat from the chaff, that they will be flexible yet discerning in their methods, and that they will always preserve the essential Collegiate teacher/student relationship. We use technology that provides the right tool at the right time, that is suited to individual student needs and that encourages students to be both connected and present.


Advisory Program

The Upper School’s advisory program exists to ensure that all students will receive close, personalized assistance throughout their high school years. It provides students a meaningful setting for relationship and character development. Ideally, advisory affords students the opportunity to discuss important topics related to school culture, current events, leadership, and/or grade specific issues. Advisors provide academic and emotional support by serving as an advocate for their advisees as a first-hand resource for parents, students, and their teachers. Each advisor strives to provide a safe and comfortable meeting space where students can feel connected and engaged.