Financial Literacy for Middle Schoolers

Tara Connor and Pam Privasky
Rising 5th – Rising 6th Graders
June 16 – 20 •
1 – 4 p.m. No Camp on June 19
Have you already started thinking about your dream job? Do you someday want to own a house? Do you know what type of car you’d like to buy? Do you already have a savings account? Throughout the week in this camp we will be simulating real life financial situations and decisions in a fun, game-like setting. Students will learn about the real-life choices that adults have to make daily concerning finances, and experience the positive and negative surprises that life hands you.

Tara Connor is a Middle School math teacher at Collegiate. She has been teaching elementary and Middle School math since 2007. She also coaches the Middle School Rubik’s Cube team. Pam Privasky is a Middle School math teacher at Collegiate. She currently teaches 7th Grade math and problem-based algebra.

For more information, contact Tara Connor at