Middle School STEAM - Aerospace Edition

Farley Macdonald
Rising 5th – Rising 8th Graders
July 21 – 25 • 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Do you often wonder how and why things work? Do you like to design and build things? If so, then this camp is for you.

In the Middle School STEAM camp, we will design a pneumatic rocket launcher, create a scale model and then build our final product. Throughout the week, campers will discuss the design process — from brainstorming to building within a budget. We will also look at the physics of how the launcher works and learn the skills of teamwork, communication organization and problem-solving.

Farley Macdonald is a Collegiate Middle School science teacher and has always had an interest in the sciences. He loves when students ask questions and enjoys figuring out how to build things and make them work.
For more information, contact Farley Macdonald at farley_macdonald@collegiate-va.org