Financial Literacy for Lower Schoolers

Tara Connor and Pam Privasky
Rising 3rd Graders – rising 4th Graders
June 16 – 20 • 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. No Camp on June 19

Have you already started thinking about your dream job? Do you someday want to own a house? Do you know what type of car you’d like to buy? Do you already have a savings account? Throughout the week in this camp, we will be simulating real-life financial situations and decisions in a fun, game-like setting. Students will learn about the real-life choices that adults have to make daily concerning finances and will experience the positive and negative surprises that life hands you. Please be aware that this camp will have some basic reading, writing and math, but the teachers and counselors will offer lots of support to help prepare for your financial future. 

Tara Connor is a Collegiate School Middle School math teacher. She has been teaching Lower and Middle School math since 2007. Pam Privasky is a Collegiate School Middle School math teacher. She currently teaches 7th Grade math and problem-based algebra.

For more information, contact Tara Connor at