Greeking Out!

Christine Mingus
Rising 3rd Graders – Rising 5th Graders
June 23 - 27 • 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Take your imagination to camp this summer as we explore Greek mythology and learn how the ancient Greeks used myths to understand the world around them. The exciting pantheon of Greek goddesses and gods (and incredible monsters) will be revealed to you through storytelling, architecture and art activities. Come discover what mystical creative powers you possess!

Christine Mingus is a third grade lead teacher at Collegiate, just finishing her third year with us. She has a B.A. in Art History from New York University, an M.A. in Art History from Howard University and a post-baccalaurate degree in elementary education from the University of Richmond. She has enjoyed teaching her elementary students about world mythology since she began teaching in 2012.

For more information, contact Christine Mingus at