Hooked on Books - Reading & Writing

Eileen Beane
Rising 1st – Rising 5th Graders
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  Each session is two weeks in length.
June 16 – 27 (Session I)
No Camp on June 19
July 7 – 18 (Session II)

Both the book enthusiast and the emerging reader will enjoy and benefit from this camp. Our days are filled with fun, age appropriate reading and writing activities. Through small group and individualized reading, Reader’s Theater, author studies and theme studies, the children are immersed in rich experiences that will strengthen and enrich their reading and writing skills. Our teachers meet each child at his/her instructional level. Our staff is dedicated to providing each child with an experience that is stimulating and full of varied experiences.

The children will enjoy a variety of activities, including reading and writing workshops, visits to the library and computer lab, art projects and a visit by a local author. The children will spend time on the writing process as well as factual writing from individual research. A writing celebration is held on the last day of camp where the children present their own “published” original stories. Your child will participate in meaningful discussions and guided reading through leveled readers and novel studies.

     Class size is limited to ensure individualized attention by  providing a low student to teacher ratio. Each camper will receive a
camp T-shirt and an end-of-session report focusing on the skills and strategies reinforced throughout the session.

Eileen Beane has served as Director of Hooked on Books for 14 years. She has 35 years of teaching experience, with 25 years teaching Junior Kindergarten through 2nd Grade at Collegiate. Many Collegiate Lower School faculty members will  serve as lead teachers at Hooked on Books this  summer including Nicola Byford,  Ellen Faris,  Savannah Reeves, Sarah Dunn, Maria Pettit, Sarah Gentry, Ellen Wright, Beth Albrecht and Betsy Wilder.
If you have any questions about Hooked on Books, please email Eileen Beane at ebeane@collegiate-va.org