The following endeavors are generously supported by faculty professional development grants maintained by the School. They include:
Alumni Grant for Faculty Excellence
Middle School librarians Catherine Clements and Carolyn LaMontagne will attend the four-day Constructing Modern Knowledge Institute in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Middle School humanities teachers Kate Cunningham and Carrie Thomas will attend the Reading Institute at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Upper School English teachers Will Dunlap and Samantha Slater and Upper School librarian/archivist Ben Lamb will explore, develop and implement ways to integrate student-directed free reading into the 9th and 10th Grade English curriculum.
Lower School art teacher Heather Graham will revise the curriculum for Studio Two and attend the ShadowLight Workshop in San Francisco, California.
Lower School music teacher Christine Hoffman will attend The Orff Approach to Teaching Jazz of All Ages course in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Orchestra director Melissa Jones will review the instrumental music curriculum to ensure its reflection of current practices within the field and make recommendations for curricular changes.
Upper School history teacher Ginnie Kurtz will develop the curriculum for a new history elective, Gender and Society.
Middle School Latin teacher Amy Leibowitz will analyze the Middle School curriculum maps for alignment with the eight pillars of Responsible Citizenship, with an emphasis on creating an inventory of content areas that reflect all aspects of diversity.
Upper School science teacher Sandra Marr will build upon the ongoing work to improve outdoor classrooms on the Mooreland and Pagebrook campuses and to provide hands-on professional development for faculty at these locations.
Middle School lead counselor Amasa Monroe will revise the key elements of the Middle School Advisory Program, resulting in a digital collection of activities with a consistent framework easily accessible for each advisor.
Middle School English teacher Wendi Moss will attend the Global Education Benchmark Group Summer Symposium, Border Studies and Immigration, in El Paso, Texas.
Upper School English teacher Leah Angell Sievers will develop a new English course, Sacred Texts as Literature.
Middle School humanities teacher Carolyn Villanueva will conduct research and create STEM/English/reading curriculum based on the essential question, How do visual arts and folklore reflect and impact how we see the world?
Middle School librarian Catherine Clements will collaborate with the Middle School faculty to create a repository of sample projects to encourage design thinking and also will attend the MIT Edgerton Center workshop.
Middle School English teachers Christine Waldron and Kimberley Zandler, in collaboration with Middle School lead counselor Amasa Monroe, will revise the 6th Grade advisory curriculum and create new resources and materials for all 6th Grade advisors.
Arthur Brinkley Grant for Faculty Excellence
Middle and Upper School STEAM coordinator Daniel Bartels and Upper School art teacher Jere Williams will develop a new capstone class, Technohumanism: Mind/Brain/Machine.
Upper School librarian/archivist Ben Lamb will organize and expand the library’s LibGuides with a focus on improving access and increasing use.
Middle School science teacher Paul Lupini will attend the NSTA STEM Forum and Expo in San Francisco, California, then share new ideas and strategies with the Middle School science and STEAM team.
Upper School science teacher David Privasky will explore, create and develop the curriculum for a new marine biology class.
Class of 1974 Endowment for International Studies
Upper School Spanish teacher Esperanza Soria-Nieto will attend the intercultural experiential education seminar for global studies teachers in Bolivia and develop curriculum for her Spanish IV Honors and Spanish AP classes.
Julia A. Williams Fund for Faculty Professional Development
Middle School art teacher Teresa Coleman will attend the Teaching for Artistic Behavior Institute in Boston, Massachusetts.