Upper School
"Performing music can bring people together to create something bigger than themselves, and it can inspire those around them to do the same." Zach, 11th Grade
Collegiate offers a wide range of activities that broaden a student’s education beyond the traditional academic disciplines. Extracurricular club offerings allow students to explore and develop personal interests within organized student groups. In addition, Collegiate’s club structure allows students to develop leadership skills while embracing the concepts of teamwork and citizenship.


Upper School clubs are open to all students in the 9th through 12th Grades. Upper School students can participate in various clubs and organizations which meet during a weekly clubs’ period and each morning between 8 a.m. and the beginning of first period. Clubs are led by students and faculty members sponsor each club and organization

List of 4 items.

  • Publications

    Content for the newspaper (Match) and yearbook (Torch) is provided by students in classes which support those publications, and the literary magazine (Flame) functions as a club. All have Junior and Senior leadership and help from faculty advisors. Any student may participate and submit work.
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  • Service Organizations and Clubs

    Students have many opportunities to give their time to Collegiate and Richmond area organizations that serve others. From donating prom dresses to the Fairy Godmother Club to participating in the James River clean-up with Earth Society, each effort makes a difference. Students are required to volunteer a total of 45 hours before they graduate.
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  • Special Interest Clubs

    A Clubs Fair is held in September where students may sign up for any clubs of interest. The clubs vary from year to year depending on student demand. Meetings are held during Creative Flex periods in the Upper School schedule.
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  • Student Councils

    Elections are held each year for members of our student-led councils. All four Upper School grades are represented, and students are assisted by faculty advisors. Both Honor Council and Judicial Council meet confidentially to consider breaches of honor and discipline and recommend action. The SCA organizes events including pep rally, dances, skate nights, and other fun activities.
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