Lower School
"The Lower School is a community that cultivates a love of learning. We appreciate that each student is unique and seek to create an environment that fosters individual growth and provides opportunities for all students to shine." 
Christina Vitek
Assistant Head of Lower School

LS Academic Services Staff
In the Lower School, specialists and resource teachers work closely with classroom teachers, using a collaborative teaching model in the classroom, or in small group sessions. We are dedicated to facilitating students’ understanding of individual strengths and areas of need in a manner that will help students build a positive sense of self-worth, responsibility, and self-direction. Students who may need support are identified through an ongoing screening process and through referrals from classroom teachers. Students typically work with the specialists and/or resource teachers several days a week in a small group setting. We also serve on the Student Support Team to help provide appropriate strategies for classroom instruction and/or to determine the need for referrals for testing or outside help.


(Left) Lower School Math Specialist, works with a small group of 4th Grade students in Mrs. Villanueva's classroom. They are estimating pennies for our million penny project!

Language Arts

(Right) Lower School Reading Resource Teacher, takes some time to touch base with a student while reading, to ensure he is utilizing the appropriate reading strategies.