On Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019, Collegiate School hosted a wrestling match and welcomed Model Secondary School for the Deaf, St. Christopher's School and the rest of the Collegiate wrestling program, including its youngest crowd, the MatCats.
MatCats is a Collegiate youth wrestling program that is open for all kids from Grades 3-6. It is designed to be a fun and safe way to be introduced to the sport of wrestling. The MatCats and Cub wrestlers practiced together before the 4:30 p.m. meet start time. The MatCats had an introduction to the wrestling program before practice, which lasted about 45 minutes. At the end of practice, everyone was brought together. The Cub wrestlers introduced themselves to the MatCats and students in each group shared a bit of information with one another.
Following practice, they all watched the varsity meet, where they received programs with their names in them, a well-received surprise! The day was a success from top to bottom, building up a program from the roots.